Donating online is safe & secure - we use Paypal to process online donations which can be made using major credit cards or your paypal account if you have one. You can also download, print and mail the PDF Donation Form
Many people ask "If I am donating to the Annual Appeal, am I a Society member?" Or, "Why am I asked to donate to the Annual Appeal each Fall when I have paid my membership dues?" Here is what you need to know:
The Annual Appeal and Membership are different. The Annual Appeal campaign is a late Fall appeal letter that is sent to all of our members as well as non-member donors.
Gifts to the Annual Appeal are generally unrestricted. Money raised from the Annual Appeal augments the membership fund and supports a broad range of needs including improvements at the Resource Center and the Provencal-Weir House, circa 1823, operating expenses, special events, educational materials, and equipment and technology upgrades.
You can make a gift to the Annual Fund "In Memory" or "In Honor" of someone special. Gifts of all sizes are welcome.
Your support of the Annual Appeal is essential to help us continue to provide the best programs and services to the community. You do not have to be a member to give to the Annual Appeal.
For more information about the Annual Appeal or other giving opportunities, contact The Society at 313-884-7010.
Download a Printable Donation Form
Please make your check payable to the Grosse Pointe Historical Society and send it to:
Grosse Pointe Historical Society, 376 Kercheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236