The method by which the wall texture has been secured in this music room is a fair indication of the extremely careful thought expended on every detail of the interior; the wall was covered first with white muslin upon which an Italian decorative motif was stenciled in bright red. Mr. Newberry happened to come in just at that time and his remark are better imagined than printed. However, the scheme called for the use of a loosely woven gray wall fabric of rather coarse fibre stretched upon frames over the stenciled base, and the finished result is indescribably beautiful.
It seems to me that the chief glory of the interior is the woodwork. Throughout the first floor the finish is in soft toned stained and waxed woods, while on the second floor the woodwork in enameled. In the music room, stair hall, two-story hall, and dining room, butternut has been used, giving a wonderfully deep, mellow tone. Italian walnut is used in the loggia, mahogany in the library and California redwood in Mr. Newberry’s office. Most of this wood is carved, but with exceeding restraint. Teakwood planks, eight inched wide, are used for the floor of the halls and larger rooms, made more interesting by the mortise blocks locking the planks close together. In the library and dining room teakwood strips are laid in herringbone pattern.
The lighting fixtures, hardware, etc. were especially designed for the house, and all contribute to Drybrook's pervading atmosphere of fitness and harmony.