"News of Olde Grosse Point" The history and stories of Grosse Pointe
Welcome to the Grosse Pointe Historical Society’s first production of News of Olde Grosse Pointe. This is a story about a live radio production broadcasting actual historical vignettes and French legends.
Delightfully entertaining, the show’s host, played by Rick Burt-Willson, interviews characters played by Mary Stelmark, Sue Lewandowski and Fritz Burt, with stories about sea serpents, interurban transportation, and the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club.
With giggles and squeals, Izzy Donneley, and Dr. Pat O’Brien brought to life the legends of muskrats, ship wrecks and even a werewolf. Our guest werewolf, played by Jeff Willson was made absolutely terrifying by make-up artist, and daughter, Melissa Kay Willson.
The sound effect person, played by Beth Teagan, demonstrated to today's audience the importance of "sounds" in a radio production with coconut shell horse clops, shrieks of terror, and whistles and claps.
The stage manager of News of Olde Grosse Pointe was played by M. Kay Burt-Willson, who also scripted and produced the play itself. This play was performed at the Provencial-Weir House, on October 4 2015 in Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. It was filmed and edited by Melissa Kay Willson. Please enjoy our show.